Wednesday, December 31, 2008
A quick reflection: Rosh Hashanah vs. secular New Year
Most people blindly simply celebrate just the fact of watching the change of years on the count down of minutes until midnight. Some start it on drinking and with a big hangover the next day, what a way to start, hum?
In the Traditional Religious Jewish New Year, we pray, pray and pray in awe asking G-d for a good year and there’s no fireworks whatsoever, but the trust in G-d’s ultimate mercy towards our fragile beings.
It’s so interesting that people can endure even the cold in New York to watch a ball drop with millions of other people – celebrating the New Year.
Who of those among the millions last December would know how bad 2008 turned to be in a Global perspective? Now, everyone thinks that in a turn of a magic ball drop everything can turn out different for the better once again…
I really hope things would get better in the long haul for the World – but it takes a lot of effort and it doesn’t happen on the blink of an eye.
I always wished people in general would know that over drinking and acting overly crazy won’t do them any good, but rather causes more harm; of course that many of those drinking probably feel bad about their current transition, therefore they drink.
Why can’t people try to get themselves together and use it as a good excuse to improve themselves?
The bad guys in Dubai cancelled the New Year’s celebrations and fireworks off in solidarity for the “Palestinians cause”…I find it so bizarre that the world finds very plausible.
For most the Jewish world it’s a night like any other – though one has to acknowledge the calendar where one lives.
If most people don’t celebrate the religious Rosh Hashanah – I really wish the world should try to improve itself in 2009…Everything which is good starts from within with self-reflection and prayers.
Sunday, December 14, 2008

A message of Chanukah
By Carine
Nowadays, much is talked about how everyone should “understand” modern day’s assassins of good people, as if there were reasonable appeals for their wicked behavior.
The world has always tried to find a way to blame the victims of atrocities, while defending its murders. So, many people have blamed the very existence of Israel for terrorism per se that it’s beyond belief.
I remember that right after 9/11, I got a call from a “friend” that I used to give foreign language lessons to, and this person told me that the reason of the attack was America’s support for Israel. I was shocked to hear such untrue statement.
First of all terrorists have an agenda, they want to destroy everyone that doesn’t agree with their “religion”, point-of-view and hunger for evil and death. They pride themselves as “warriors” who aren’t in love of G-d’s ultimate gift which is LIFE.
These evil doers despise life and their deity is death itself, therefore they hate the idea of freedom for “infidels” in their distorted minds.
When, terrorism was only in Israeli territory, the whole world would give signals that it was Israel’s solely fault! Now, that it’s gone global, the “guilty minded liberal” mentality still seems to point fingers at the victims.
Meanwhile nothing is really done to prevent these horrific actions…After, few weeks of the Mumbai attack where Westerners, Israelis and Jewish people were terribly attacked, the government of Israel releases a “bunch” of perpetrators.
So, here comes a message of Chanukah that’s right on the corner – Yehudit the Jewish heroine, a feminine figure of the miraculous events that happened in Chanukah which illustrates that she was observant, pious, modest, yet charming and beautiful with a strong faith in the G-d of Israel.
This Jewish heroine teaches everyone that she didn’t only pray, but she embraced the mission of cutting off the enemy herself; first of all, she believed that if the Jewish people kept G-d’s commandments, they wouldn’t perish – nevertheless, she took upon herself a mission which in modern time would sound insane!
She prayed to G-d to protect, guide and deliver, thus, she went after Holofernes the Tyrant Syrian-Greek General – she went with a maid, and eventually after stuffing him with her delicious cheese and wine killed him with a sword by herself!
I’m not saying in anyway, that women or men should take “vengeance” matters on their own hands, but, into certain extent we must fight to cut off the evil that threaten us.
Governments shouldn’t be sleeping, thinking that the taking of one innocent life is fine, when it’s not; the blood of the innocent is crying out to G-d.
Women and men alike should take into consideration that we must trust in G-d, thus, put on armours of righteousness. Gentlemen should be working on being “good” and “loving” husbands to their wives and vise versa. Parents should be really compassionate with their children, and when these are wrong, shouldn’t be pat, but instructed with love, and daughters and sons should be compassionate towards their parents as well.
In resume, Yehudit the heroine’s story should resonate to Israel and the whole world; miracles do happen, but one has to do their part – we can’t close our eyes to the barbaric killings of innocent and say that it’s okay. No, it’s not okay, we must exclaim in words and in actions NOT to release the evil doers, but rather cut off the evil among us.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Teenage Holocaust Victim's Diary Revealed For First Time!
I had to share this beautiful touching video about another teenager called Rutka who had a diary about the war and secured it with a non-Jewish friend.
It's worthy watching, so that everyone in the world shoudn't close their eyes to such atrocities.
I don't mean to be posting sad things, but it's an interesting story - We should know the truth and see the light at the end of the tunnel.

A lesson of life
By Carine
We have recently watched a righteous among the nations save the life of a little baby from the hands of terrorists in Mumbai – Sandra Samuel, the incredible nanny risked her life in order to save little Moishe. Miraculously, G-d has placed this heroine in little Moishe’s life.
We have no doubts that Moishe’s own mother gave her own life up for saving her precious baby Moishe; Rivka Holtzberg probably did everything to secure her baby and in despair called for Sandra’s help.
The super righteous non-Jewish nanny didn’t think twice to save his life. The fact that we can still see righteous people’s outstanding actions in the blink of darkness throughout history is comforting.
Not long ago, the world has found out about stories of righteous people who went out of their way during the holocaust to save in particular the lives of Jewish children; these non-Jewish heroes risked their lives, because they followed a conscious and didn’t feel intimidated by cruel tyrants who imposed torture and death penalty upon those who helped Jews.
Just recently, we came to know about the existence of such heroes like Sir Nicholas Winton and Irena Sendler, a polish catholic nurse that was able to save 2.500 Jewish children – most of those children that Mrs. Sendler saved were placed in non-Jewish homes, nevertheless she dug up a jar containing the children’s real family names, so that after the war, they could look for their real families. Some children were lucky enough to have a relative alive, others ended up adopted.
Mrs.Sendler’s story demonstrates an emotional and encouraging attitude in the midst of darkness. Even though, she was nominated in 2007 for a Nobel Prize – she didn’t get, instead Al Gore got it! Not long ago, she passed away.
Recently, many Jewish survivors saved in Poland are finding out about their Jewish ancestry, since they went through the horrors of the War and afterwards communism.
All righteous people should be honored and receive everyone’s reverence – of course, we all must act righteously; and the world would be a much better place if all people acted upon it, yet, those who do so – should receive our respect and honor.
Many current heroes are not known - yet, through their good deeds the world is saved everyday. The Holtzbergs were also heroes in Mumbai, serving and saving the spiritually hungry, and because of that were killed.
We must follow their examples, even if it’s not easy, and most of the times real heroes are forgotten and didn’t even get a Nobel Prize; we must give honor for the righteous heroes but – the more people joining in righteousness and chessed in the blink of darkness – more light will break the force of darkness.
Source about Irena Sendler:; ;
Irena Vs. Al Gore:
Other righteous among the Nations:
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The importance of prevention and treatment - reaching for help
By Carine
Postpartum depression (PPD) also known as postnatal depression affects a large amount of women after giving birth to a child – yet many people are unaware of its symptoms and serious risks.
Many new mothers might experience a variety of emotions after childbirth; some may experience anxiety, excitement, others baby blues; but, some will experience a more severe sadness which is known as postpartum depression.
The matter of the fact is that it’s a very serious issue; and it should be taken with lots of precaution – especially in the Frum Jewish community - as the higher the birth rate in a community is, the higher are the chances of that group of women experience postpartum depression.
The percentage of risk in the Frum community is really high and many young couples aren’t familiar with the challenges of parenthood, and when facing the intricacies of human care, it can be too overwhelming.
Besides the devastating sufferings originated from PPD; many Frum women might feel guilty, embarrassed and ashamed to reach out for proper professional help.
Undoubtedly, Frum mothers bear full responsibilities to bring loving and healthy children up and therefore this overwhelming task can trigger easily new mothers into postpartum depression – causing a lot of suffering to families and especially husbands who don’t know how to handle the situation.
We all know the important role that Jewish mothers play to the very continuity of the Jewish Nation – the “Yiddish Mama” is the pillar of every generation – so, from this perspective itself, we all should be aware of how challenging this role can be for new mothers and in general to mothers of many young children!
Frum women shouldn’t feel embarrassed, in other words, they should reach for the proper help; be it as prevention or a treatment.
That’s why by realizing the great challenges and importance of the health of Jewish women – Esther Kenigsberg in a selfless mission to help the community has founded a non profit organization in the heart of Borough Park called SPARKS dedicated to help mothers and their families with awareness, relief, knowledge and support.
Sparks is made up of mostly Frum volunteers and highly qualified doctors who are well trained to help Jewish families overcome the obstacle of childbearing depression and secure the health, happiness, joy and the most important of all the continuity of the Jewish Nation.
Sparks organization’s mitzvah is enormous and plays a decisive role in the lives of our community members – that’s why in times of darkness, let us see the obstacles and fight it with the right weapon of chessed.
Due to their dedication to help their fellow brethren, regardless of affiliation, level of Yiddishkeit and social status, is the reason that I write about their mission.
If you are not aware of postpartum depression symptoms, risks and complications you can check SPARKS’s website: - Thus, if you know somebody that is suffering, don’t be shy and contact them. If possible, you can also donate for this cause, since it’s a cause that involves the very birth of Jewish souls.
Ps: By clicking on this text tittle, you will be redirected to their informative website.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Meditating on how can we really be alive
Here goes a small video documentary of one not so known hero of the World War II, his own wife didn’t know that he had helped thousands of Jewish children to escape the horror in the Slovak Republic. His name is Nicholas Winton – during the war, he was visiting Slovak and witnessed the fear of Jewish families; and thought about a manner of helping Jewish children move out of there.
So, he arranged a manner to get them in England. I can’t imagine how hard it might have been for the parents to let them go, even on the break of extermination.
This good man helped to save thousands of children…it’s worthy looking up the video. It’s touching and moving to see that Baruch Hashem, some innocent children were saved from the barbarian camps.
It’s very touching to see that those children had children and are alive and well, and that Mr. Winton had a significant part on that; but I hope that their grandchildren never forget that their ancestors went through such persecution because monsters wanted to exterminate the Jewish Nation.
Therefore, besides escaping alive and sharing their beautiful story – I hope that they may maintain Jewish tradition, so that the Jewish Nation so much tormented may flourish more and more and keep growing in numbers, spiritually and materially.
That’s the way to surface the death of millions – through passing from generation to generation the beauty of the tradition of Am Israel, otherwise our enemies win. We should think about it.
That’s why I think Chabad is doing an excellent job in telling everyone that the only way we can fight the action of terror is with adding more light unto our very lives.
By Carine
Sunday, December 7, 2008

A meditation on the challenge of choosing life’s paths
In this last week edition of the Jewish Press, there’s an article by Elliot Resnick, a reporter staff who wrote about a challenging task that a Holocaust survivor took upon herself: Meet the daughter of a former Nazi commander called Goeth; as the daughter of the Nazi called Helen Jonas out that she desired to meet her.
Now, after 60 years of the horrendous Holocaust tragedy they met in Poland; the meeting is going to be portrayed as a documentary airing on TV. I’m not so sure how genuine the documentary is going to be, but if it really is – it’s probably a story that catches attention due to its implication.
I’m aware that there are few descendents of Nazi commanders that even converted to Judaism and happened to give speeches; but this seems a different case, the daughter whose name is Monika Hertwig was willing to meet Mrs. Jonas who was saved by the real famous hero Schindler ( Schindler’s list by Spielberg) during World war II.
What would cause a daughter of a Nazi look forward to meeting a Holocaust survivor who used to live in her father’s village? Would it be due to a sense of trying to distance herself from the image of her father? Mrs.Hertwig only found out about her father's past either at the age of 11 or 13.
I think the whole curiosity itself involving the story is the reason to film a documentary. Should we blame a daughter of a Nazi for the behavior of her father? Whatever one may conclude about the complexity of this fact; she probably has to bear the fact of being connected with her father.
Human beings in general are judged in society by our family branches, because we happen to carry their DNA, whether good or bad. Nevertheless, every individual has their personal “marks” and personality character – though there might be tendencies.
When, one’s ancestors are good loving people, we hope to see that their descendants are going to be good and hopefully surface their Mitzvot. Yet, throughout the whole Torah we see all kinds of mixed cases.
As Torah describes some brothers acted good and some bad to name a few: Cain vs. Abel (good), Jacob vs. Esau (wicked) and what about Korach’s sons that not only didn’t agree with their own father’s wickedness, even endured the shame of being Korach’s son and they totally separated themselves from their wickedness's influence and were able to compose inspirational Psalms (Tehilim) to G-d due to their desire to reach higher divine levels.
What about the opposite path of Absalom? Having as a father the righteous David HaMelech( king David) chose the wrong path.
Korach’s sons chose the right path, removing themselves from the evil influence of their father; so how much easier it should be for all of us to reach higher grounds and win the battle of evil we face?
In regards to Mrs. Hertwig, we should consider that the fact that she wants to dialogue with a Jewish survivor may proof that she’s trying to expel herself from the darkness of her father’s ideology.
In resume, whatever the case of a person might be there's a choice; in the case of the Jewish nation - we must emulate the ultimate goodness of our forefathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
By Carine
The trailer of the documentary:
Jewish Press article about the encounter:
Ps: P.O.V will be streaming film until January at - if you click on the title you can be redirected to the streaming video.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
I had never thought about Jewish people having to carry a gun…and especially on Shabbat, but as terrorism is going Jew hunting all over these days, and after the Mumbai attack, I read an article in the India times stating that an Indian Jewish police officer happened to carry a gun on the Shabbat following the attack – regardless of any complication of Jewish law, due to the unknown course of matters.
I got curious about the issue and researched a little bit of such controversial issue involving Jews and guns. I particularly never ever dreamed of even thinking about it, but, noticing the vulnerability of many Jewish people in war zone areas or nowadays, just the fact of being alive, any western is a target.
Then, I came to realize that in Eretz Israel many Yehudim are allowed to carry guns on Shabbos , since it’s a matter of life safety – but, in order to do so they have to put it attached to their belts, and when in shul put it aside. For me, just to imagine such a reality is trembling enough, you probably have to be double careful in every step in every way.
Honestly it’s a confusing matter for me, but for many, especially in Israel it’s a reality; the world is becoming more and more dangerous, but would a gun save the life of those in the chabad house in Mumbai?
It’s hard for me to ponder whether a gun would save anyone’s life; first of all each case is different, but in general owning a gun requires lots more of responsibility 24/7. In many cases, people who aren’t prepared and trained happen to kill a loved one, partners, and relatives accidently or purposely willing do so, besides that some depressed person or mentally challenged person due to suicidal feelings could take their lives easily having a gun at hand.
The question rises when genuinely people become targets, like most Jews in Israel who need to get proper training and then get their guns on. Now, in the Mumbai case, the better option would have been that the Chabad house should have proper security system, security guards (well trained), safe locks, camera circuit and other equipments to facilitate the security of our Jewish brethren who selflessly engaged in the Mitzvah of caring for their fellow.
If some rabbis should get guns, honestly they should get proper training and before that get tested of capable of doing so. I have no doubts that Rabbi Gabi Holtzberg would have being able to handle it in a wise manner.
Nevertheless, we must acknowledge that having a gun many times doesn’t mean safety, but in a wrong hand can cause more harm and cause more risk.
I used to be in favor of gun control, but now, I came to think that most “bad guys” own guns and know how to use it to do evil; so, why not give a chance of good people who get good training have a chance of using it with wisdom for self-defense.
The times are not good and in America guns selling are increasing due to insecurity of all sorts. But learning how to shoot can be very expensive – in Israel it happens to be very affordable and there are several schools as seen at this site .
It’s complicated to see such reality. I wouldn’t judge at such times, when unfortunately terrorism is dominant. I just hope and pray that the Jewish people shouldn’t need to be afraid; but, I think that we must make sure our homes have proper secure locks, windows and etc, and hope we won’t have to be counting on guns for our very lives, but on Hashem, our keeper.
I hope and pray all Israel enemies be scattered and we see the day that no Jewish person in Israel and in the world will ever have to worry about having to load a gun on Shabbat and weekday too!
Ps: As I just finished writing this text – I check an e-mail saying that the hottest bump sticker on the market now reads: I will keep my guns, freedom & money…You can keep the“change”!
I guess it gives me more thoughts on the matter.
By Carine
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Most Jewish people were already aware of the consequences of the inquisition, and that great part of the population of Spain and Portugal of the time who didn’t flee – had to convert or die.
The Jewish world is mostly composed by Sephardic and Ashkenazy Jews; we all know that most Sephardic origins come from families expelled from the Iberian Peninsula.
Now, many people from that region were probably unaware of their Jewish inheritance; actually a lot of them may have thought that since their families were there for hundreds of years – they were for sure native Spaniards and Portuguese…
Yet, for their surprise the genetic research lead by scientists Mark A. Jobling of the University of Leicester in England and Francesc Calafell of the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona reveals the truth that there was indeed a great level of “forced” conversion on the Jewish population that remained there.
The DNA study was based on the Y chromosome of Jewish men of several Sephardic migrating Jewish communities and it confirmed that this Chromosome Y remained from father to son.
Therefore, the scientists through this study reveal not only that 20% of the population of the Iberian Peninsula has Sephardic blood and only 11% of Moorish ancestry. It also confirms that the historical event of Inquisition wasn’t a Jewish invention. It really took place, hurting the Jewish nation as whole and leaving scars on those persecuted families that fled and some still lucky even “ converting” were able to disregard their forced conversion and pass on their Jewish heritage as a miracle.
In short, the Jewish nation has always undergone many challenges: exiles, inquisitions, persecutions, holocaust, anti-Semitism and recently terrorism. Yet, it has proved its strength to survive through it all. One example is that a lot of crypt-Jews are returning to its roots and that the Jewish DNA lives on.
Here goes a link of a video showing it - long before the scientist's confirmation...
By Carine Silberstein

We have just witnessed the cruelty of these trained terrorists who got into India by boat from Pakistan – ruining any sense of security for the people in India and its jewish people.
Now, what many people are not aware is that a lot of these terrorist minded people have immigrated to the USA, they marry just anybody in order to obtain permanent visas and right away become US. Citizens.
Most of Islamic terrorists have exploited every kind of Immigration visas from temporary, business, student, green card holders and full US. Citizens; they marry for obtaining visas and have relatives here, according to US Immigration.
So, how secure are we? How come these people always get whenever they want, and nobody stops them? They get here and have all the “human rights” protection and make demands. I wish it was just a bad nightmare fabricated from my mind, but, unfortunately it’s the bitter reality.
If you google it – you will be surprise to read some much information about it…Everyone knows that the 9/11 terrorist used “temporary visas”, yet there are many inside the US who are citizens…So, what can be done to undo this terrible harm?
Just now, as I checked Foxnews site channel – I faced an article there, which for many reasons doesn’t surprise me.
In Minneapolis area, USA, there are many of such people who are US. Citizens and are at this very moment being trained by terrorists agencies which I don’t want to even mention its name. The story goes that all of the sudden the men population of this area, disappeared! And now everyone is concerned that they are really training in Somalia!
They even took a picture of one of these “US citizens” men in the training camp, isn’t it outrageous? The fact is, what must the US do in order to keep its security, once the terrorist has gotten all excess?
They get into Israel, India the USA…everywhere in the name of “understanding” and that their religion is peaceful…I’m sorry I don’t buy it. If it were, then, there wouldn’t be one “religious” fanatic killing.
What can we do now, that’s the question? Is it G-d forbid only a matter of time? We must pray to G-d that the Government should open its eyes, and the West society should realize the threat within.
By Carine
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Mumbai Tragedy - a wake up call...
It’s terrible to see so much pain and death caused by this terrorist attack in Mumbai, India; it’s been hard for me not to take it personally. Seeing that selfless people suffer most of the times more than any other is very hard to comprehend.
I ache for all those that lost loved ones in this terrible assault: Indians, Westerners of any nationality, Israelis and Jews.
But, the death of Rabbi Gavriel Noach Holtzberg and his wife Rivka is a total representation of the peril times we live in and the contrast of the couple's good deeds – they were simply there for Ahavat Israel. They opened their hearts and house for all those in need, regardless of religion association or level of Yidishkeit.
How hard it is to give and most of the times, nothing in return receive in a humanistic perspective? But, empowered by an everlasting love for G-d and his ultimate good, they knew that only Ahavat Israel can bring the ultimate redemption.
At times like this, we might wonder, but how could G-d let this happen? First of all, it's not up to us to question our faith and sense of justice before the Almighty, who is righteous above all.
Yet, as humans we wonder. People always ask how come G-d allowed this or that. The fact of the matter is there is free will and each person is responsible for their own acts.
When the first murderer of humanity Cain killed his brother Abel who was a shepherd of sheep; G-d asked Cain where his brother was, and his reply was that he didn’t know, since he wasn’t his brother’s keeper ?
G-d responded: What have you done? Hark! Your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground! And then, the Almighty G-d cursed Cain (Bereshit/Genesis 4:8).
Even before the killing, G-d himself told Cain that if he did right, there would be uplift, but if he wouldn’t do right, than sin would urge towards him.
As we can see, G-d had first paid heed to Abel and his offering – and due to his good work, he was killed. Thus, due to Abel’s righteousness, his blood cried out to G-d, and Cain was cursed.
So, people are countable responsible for their evil actions, even when it seems that they aren’t. There’s a true Judge that runs the Heavenly courts and give his verdicts.
The death of righteous people is very difficult in the Almighty’s eyes. He certainly suffers to see that mankind chooses evil. Yet, several times miracles happen and righteous people are spared.
In this particular case and in other cases as well, it shows that the world was not worthy of such unselfish people like the Rabbi and his wife – paradoxically, if there were more people with such love and sense of faith towards G-d, mostly like we wouldn’t have to see so much tragedy.
In resume, their unconditional love should inspire all of us – their death is a loud cry for more love for your fellow and a wake up call for those that seem only compassionate with terrorist’s ideologies. It’s a call of wakening to the West civilization, to democratic countries and for Jewish communities to unite and heed to G-d’s call for us to choose to do more good, until all evil is eradicated from our path.
Carine Silberstein
A poem due to the tragedy in mumbai
This pain that I feel is so deep in my heart,
So many tragedies that I don’t know how to start,
Besides having my own problems and difficulties set apart,
Being vulnerable to crying without a stop part,
Finding that innocent were stuck in a terrifying place,
Brought me to more prayers and crying without any embrace,
Thus, the terrible outcome – append to this world more disgrace;
Until when – I cry to the Almighty one – until when?!
Please say, soon will the pain be over – Amen,
I can’t see so much death and pain all over again and again.
Merciful and Holy G-d, the creator of us all,
Please, don’t cause the righteous to fall,
Rather, kindness, love and compassion for those suffering recall,
Causing real love to flourish in truth and restore us to stand tall.
Carine Silberstein ©
Saturday, November 29, 2008

Peril times
Few hours after I wrote about peril times and the importance of being together; the evil fanatic terrorists were acting on in India. It’s very sad to find out what was happening, and yet to see more and more disgrace. As soon as I found out the news I started praying; even before I knew what was about to happen in the Chabad house there I had passed e-mails for praying for the shluchim there.
It’s not surprising that terrorists do whatever they want anywhere and get it with a pass, as the Western society is sleepy. The terrorists attacked Indian citizens, Westerners tourists and aimed at Israelis and Jews – at this time, what was their excuse and what will the mainstream bias media blame?
It’s an unspeakable tragedy on India and its people. Yet, I doubt that much will be done against those who planned such attacks.
I spent the whole Thursday and Friday morning reciting Psalms (Tehilim) waiting for news and when the news came, it was a sad one. It saddens me tremendously to see that selfless people like Rabbi Gavriel Noach and his wife Rivka Holtzberg who were there to spread a meaningful life and light, happened to become martyrs.
We see that their lives will motivate more kindness and love towards everyone, yet, in my humble opinion, we should echo in prayers that the Western Society should awake from its sleep.
The truth is, that the West must acknowledge that it’s under threat, sure we must be good, and do more, pray more and ask G-d for wisdom at such peril times. I had written before the terrorists religion is growing despite all the horror.
So, first and foremost the West should become self-conscious and heed to G-d, instead of taking His name out of places, it should emphasize that in G-d we trust. Thus, in our daily lives we must keep on doing what’s good – refusing to give in to the evil in this World.
The first and foremost important thing is that we must unite and merit that G-d may heed our voices crying for redemption now! Then, all our opponents will be eradicated.
May the Almighty bring His Redemption.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A call for Ahavat Israel
We are living in peril times. Few people seem to see what’s really happening in the World, and especially in the United States.
The United States has just elected a man that they don’t even know who he is, but chose to do that, supposedly only for the name of a “change” and also for the color of his skin. Therefore, people tend to be ignoring the traits of character, accomplishments and associations.
Discrediting the idea that Dr. Luther King Jr. himself said that he dreamed of a day when people wouldn’t judge for the color of one’s skin. This applies in all aspects. I won’t be going to this very issue, since it’s not the point I’m trying to stretch.
Anyway, what I’m trying to say is that we’re witnessing that people don’t care for life, sound belief in G-d, family values and anything that stands with good.
It should disturb everyone that all this very liberalism is bringing America down. People sympathize with fundamentalist terrorists, yet they hate the evangelical Christians that stand with Israel and the religious Jewish people also. Some even blame Israel for 9/11!
Ignoring the fact that there was a Gulf war before and besides it the very fundamentalists who are so well protected from the mainstream media and Hollywood “starlets” are the same ones that aim to kill all of them for the very fact that they are considered infidels.
So, you may ask what these all have to do with Ahavat Israel. Well, we’re witnessing that the conversion to their religion is growing, even among those who came from very liberal families from all faiths! Jews, Christians, regular Americans. It’s really surprising the numbers.
Thus, here comes our challenge. All Jewish people should be uniting regardless of religious background, education and cultural differences. It’s a real test and we all should pass it for the survival of the Western society.
The belief in the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the inherent good should speak louder than any other difference. The mitzvah (commandment) of love for a fellow must prevail, so that the Jewish nation should overcome any threat of its very essence.
I think that those who unconsciously or consciously carry on the “holier than thou” syndrome, instead of looking down for any sort of reason, should be considerate even more, since if one thinks he “knows” more, than how much more must he understand and love.
Said that, those who also judge the religious people be it Chassidic, Orthodox or any other should know that they are humans themselves and somehow are trying to do their best. And unfortunately many don’t know how to react to people outside the community.
Therefore, it’s not about judging anybody. But reaching out with love and compassion, even when it seems impossible!
Most Jewish organizations should unite together for the sake of dialoguing and growing together, instead of throwing rocks.
I know that I myself have challenges when encountering some ultra-rigid people who stare at me for some reason; yet, that’s the test and call for understanding and also educating everyone that real Ahavat Israel should be sought at all costs.
The same apply for ultra liberals; since the society has turned so liberal itself that they don’t accept anyone that believes in G-d. So, some blame religion and want to ban it for all costs! But, the imposition of anti-religion is fine?! There are flaws in many institutions, but not in the Almighty G-d. Institutions have problems, because they’re made up of imperfect human beings like anyone.
But, Jewish people have a call to try to become better individuals and pass on the light that destroys darkness. All should show compassion and love for all Jewish people and no-Jewish alike. Even, join strength with genuine non-Jewish believers in G-d who love Israel.
Therefore, moral values, education and love for the country and language where one resides are very important issues as well. But, I will not stress it now.
The message here is that we must go out of our own ways to please G-d and eradicate the hatred within oneself first, in order to bring redemption and change the fact that history keeps repeating itself due to the lack of AHAVAT ISRAEL, in other words the love for your fellow! That’s the only key for our success.
Written by Carine
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
My spicy KOSHER Salmon recipe

Hi my dear visitors and friends,
A lot of people who enjoy eating FISH always inquire me how I prepare specially salmon.
I have some different recipes. But, I have created this one myself, as I enjoy creating some dishes sometimes. So, I've named Salmon la Carine...
I usually do this quick style for Friday nights (SHABAT/SABBATH DAY).Nevertheless; you can leave soaking Thursday night to Friday in the refrigerator.
You can use any Salmon cut, but I prefer the boneless fillet style, since I don't want my guests choking before me because of some spine bone.
You can use as much fish as you want depending for how many people you desire to serve.
I mostly use lemon in all my fish recipes, because it keeps fresh and without any odor.
At least two Salmon fillets
1 half lemon (depending how much fish, add more)
½ cup of water
2 Tbs. chopped garlic or as desired
1 Tbs. of all fish seasoning spices or more if desired
1 tea spoon of preferred pepper
1 tea spoon of paprika
Optional: sprinkle a little coriander
Wash the Salmon thoroughly well and remove skin with a knife carefully not to remove the flesh together. Give the quick wash again.
Set the Salmon in a pan or container. With a fork carefully make few holes and add the water, lemon and part of that amount of seasonings. Leave soaking for at least 15 minutes if possible. Meanwhile, preheat the oven at 350 c set to broil.
It can be set for the oven with the marinating sauce, and to make more presentable sprinkle the remaining seasoning directly on the fillets, first the garlic and then the pepper, paprika and all spice fish seasoning. Broil for least 15 minutes, don’t let it get dried!
Right when setting the hot surfaces before Shabbat, place it close to a low flame, then, just to make it hot for the Shabbat table after Kiddush and hand wash.
Enjoy it!
Recipe by Carine Silberstein ©
Monday, November 24, 2008

I’m posting some Kosher Recipes, and this one in particular is the kosher alternative of a well popular Brazilian style of the French cuisine dish called STROGONOFF. The kosher version of course has a Glat kosher boneless chuck roll cut in pieces and there’s no dairy sauce whatsoever obviously.
The chuck roll beef is a great source of animal protein in someone’s diet, and besides it whoever wants to keep the weight and health it’s an excellent red meat, since when taken the fat out, it’s slim and has great value of proteins, vitamins and minerals and helps to prevent anemia, since it’s a good source of iron.
1,1 lb of boneless chuck beef cut in small cubits
2 Table spoon of vegetable oil
1 (optional – I don’t like onion, and use pressed garlic) big chopped onion
1 tea spoon of sal (optional)
1 Tbs. of ketchup
1 Tbs of vinegar
1 Tbs of sugar (optional to put)
1 Tbs of tomato sauce (I put much more…And you can use real fresh pressed tomatoes)
½ Nutmeg
Syrian pepper and cinnamon as you may desire
0,66 lb of cooked mushrooms
1 Tbs of flour
2 Tbs of mayonnaise or 1/3 cup coconut milk or soy milk (parve)
Cook the meat in the oil until dried, add the seasonings; cover with water and cook (preferably in a steaming pan) for 20 minutes until soft.
Mix the flour with ½ cup of water; add to the pan with the mushrooms and cook for more 5 minutes.
When serving, mix the mayonnaise or coconut milk or soy milk[w1] .
Ps: You could alternate using chicken ( cut in small pieces) also!
[w1]This recipe is my English version from the Brazilian Portuguese Kosher recipe of Sheila Sasson from the recipe book : Kasher com prazer.
The soy milk is also what I mostly use in America, as the coconut milk might be slightly more difficult to find in Brooklyn stores.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
short real story
My husband went to a grocery to buy some goodies and while waiting on the line to ring the items up at the register, he heard a lady next to him exclaim in a loud voice to the cashier: - That’s it; I’m finished!
So, as my husband is usually playful he exclaimed back: - What?! Did you say that you’re finished?! Don’t say that! Don’t say that! G-d Forbid, please, you can’t say that!
Then, the lady answered back in astonishment: - Ah, what, what? What’s the problem?!
He said to her again: - Please, just don’t say you’re finished! G-d forbid, you’re not finished, you’re not dead!
She in amazement replied: Oh, you mean that…Yes, yes, you’re right!
My husband exclaimed back: - Please, always say that you’ve finished with your ORDER or shopping, but never say that you ARE finished! You still have a lot to live for!
Then, the lady concluded: - Yes, that’s right! Thank you for reminding me. In this case, she turned to the cashier: - I’m not finished, yet!
Carine Silberstein ©

Every teenager and woman are always looking for the best ways to keep a beautiful skin that looks clean, clear, smooth and soft…
It’s like an eternal job for the entire female world; as most regular “gals” I’ve always taken upon myself to do whatever it took to always keep a good healthy skin.
Most teenagers have to struggle to overcome the challenge of blemishes, and I’ve always had the oily/dry combination skin, yet through a lot of care and patience, one can achieve the goal of reaching a good conditioned skin.
Even, during my rough years of long hours of study I would reserve time for my own skin…Even, my teachers would joke that there wasn’t one day that I didn’t have some make up on! It’s going to be three years since my graduation and the challenge just grows, as other things in life just get even more challenging.
Therefore, one of the best ways to start on this home beauty process is selecting the best suitable products for your skin. If you can’t figure it out by yourself or you are not sure what your skin type is. Then, you’d rather check with dermatologist or a skin professional.
But, assuming that you have an idea what your skin type and needs are, as if you can clearly notice the oily/blemishes aspect or the breakdown or lines of a dried skin, you should start the process of selecting the best products or home made possibilities…
Having in mind that it’s equally important to have a balanced diet and try to get rid of the grease! And it’s very important to drink a lot of water, even if it means more visits to the bathroom. Thus, taking some extra vitamin C & E, helps a million!
In resume, sticking to the program of washing the face (with an appropriate product), you can even make some homemade scrubs! Note that it’s very important to exfoliate your skin.
In this process, moisturize your skin with a lotion that contains some sunscreen, then, if you prefer it could have some tint (instead of make up) or after dried apply your make up as usual.
At night you should wash all make up off and apply a night time moisturizer! The night is the key to keep one’s skin young and firm!
Once a week or as needed you should get some microdermabration (available at pharmacies), and you also once a week or as needed use some kind of mask either a homemade one or a mask like mud mineral seaweed mask, it all depends how much your skin needs it. But, works miracles!
The same concept of exfoliation and hydration goes for your body also.
And be ready to reveal your inner beauty on your face!
Carine Silberstein ©
2 heaped tsp fine oatmeal
1 tsp.baking soda.Mix the ingredients, and add sufficient water to make a spread. Apply to your skin and gently rub. Rinse and gently touch with a towel to dry.
Refreshing Orange Scrub
This recipe is by Noreen Finneran "Incredible Edible Spa"
1/2 of an Orange
4 T Cornmeal
Directions: Squeeze orange juice and pulp into a bowl and add the cornmeal. Mix into a paste.
For using it: Apply onto freshly washed face and body. Gently scrub for 2-3 minutes. Rinse, tone, moisturize.
You can just pat on your face Honey and wait about some 10 to 15 minutes. Honey is a natural moisturizer and tightens and firms pores.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
I wish people should reflect more upon freedom's responsibilities rather than misusing it.
Nevertheless, as it's my blog, I intend to post a range of my opinions in general, law,beauty tips, cooking recipes, poems, short stories, Jewish religious issues and share thoughts. So, if anyone, wants to engage in a healthy reasonable and respectful dialogue, than that's the way to go!
So based on the freedom thought, what do you think is freedom and do you agree with me that's it's very concept is being taken for granted ?

Here and there gals wander around to nowhere,
How and when you ask me in glare!
In trouble-times like this, let me explain to those that stare,
First of all we good or bad are all walking on the air,
The financial institutions scramble in a blare,
The stock markets keep crashing to lay us all bare.
The wandering gals just endlessly wander in wonder,
As for suspicious interviews they happen to blunder,
Noticing not that they were deceived by a plunder!
The wandering nice gals just want to make ends meet,
Striving for the soul and body’s wheat,
Yet, here goes more election and corruption deceits?!
The world seems in tuned to Wall Street.
Some lost wandering gals believe in some politician’s vision,
Forgetting this could bring even more collision,
Where is the Founding Father’s vision of precision?
Some wandering gals refuse to believe in fail,
They shout out do not wail,
Even if in the holidays you can’t go to a sale,
We’re humans and united must strive to prevail!
WRITTEN BY Carine Silberstein ©