Hi my dear visitors and friends,
A lot of people who enjoy eating FISH always inquire me how I prepare specially salmon.
I have some different recipes. But, I have created this one myself, as I enjoy creating some dishes sometimes. So, I've named Salmon la Carine...
I usually do this quick style for Friday nights (SHABAT/SABBATH DAY).Nevertheless; you can leave soaking Thursday night to Friday in the refrigerator.
You can use any Salmon cut, but I prefer the boneless fillet style, since I don't want my guests choking before me because of some spine bone.
You can use as much fish as you want depending for how many people you desire to serve.
I mostly use lemon in all my fish recipes, because it keeps fresh and without any odor.
At least two Salmon fillets
1 half lemon (depending how much fish, add more)
½ cup of water
2 Tbs. chopped garlic or as desired
1 Tbs. of all fish seasoning spices or more if desired
1 tea spoon of preferred pepper
1 tea spoon of paprika
Optional: sprinkle a little coriander
Wash the Salmon thoroughly well and remove skin with a knife carefully not to remove the flesh together. Give the quick wash again.
Set the Salmon in a pan or container. With a fork carefully make few holes and add the water, lemon and part of that amount of seasonings. Leave soaking for at least 15 minutes if possible. Meanwhile, preheat the oven at 350 c set to broil.
It can be set for the oven with the marinating sauce, and to make more presentable sprinkle the remaining seasoning directly on the fillets, first the garlic and then the pepper, paprika and all spice fish seasoning. Broil for least 15 minutes, don’t let it get dried!
Right when setting the hot surfaces before Shabbat, place it close to a low flame, then, just to make it hot for the Shabbat table after Kiddush and hand wash.
Enjoy it!
Recipe by Carine Silberstein ©
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