We have just witnessed the cruelty of these trained terrorists who got into India by boat from Pakistan – ruining any sense of security for the people in India and its jewish people.
Now, what many people are not aware is that a lot of these terrorist minded people have immigrated to the USA, they marry just anybody in order to obtain permanent visas and right away become US. Citizens.
Most of Islamic terrorists have exploited every kind of Immigration visas from temporary, business, student, green card holders and full US. Citizens; they marry for obtaining visas and have relatives here, according to US Immigration.
So, how secure are we? How come these people always get whenever they want, and nobody stops them? They get here and have all the “human rights” protection and make demands. I wish it was just a bad nightmare fabricated from my mind, but, unfortunately it’s the bitter reality.
If you google it – you will be surprise to read some much information about it…Everyone knows that the 9/11 terrorist used “temporary visas”, yet there are many inside the US who are citizens…So, what can be done to undo this terrible harm?
Just now, as I checked Foxnews site channel – I faced an article there, which for many reasons doesn’t surprise me.
In Minneapolis area, USA, there are many of such people who are US. Citizens and are at this very moment being trained by terrorists agencies which I don’t want to even mention its name. The story goes that all of the sudden the men population of this area, disappeared! And now everyone is concerned that they are really training in Somalia!
They even took a picture of one of these “US citizens” men in the training camp, isn’t it outrageous? The fact is, what must the US do in order to keep its security, once the terrorist has gotten all excess?
They get into Israel, India the USA…everywhere in the name of “understanding” and that their religion is peaceful…I’m sorry I don’t buy it. If it were, then, there wouldn’t be one “religious” fanatic killing.
What can we do now, that’s the question? Is it G-d forbid only a matter of time? We must pray to G-d that the Government should open its eyes, and the West society should realize the threat within.
By Carine
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