I’m posting some Kosher Recipes, and this one in particular is the kosher alternative of a well popular Brazilian style of the French cuisine dish called STROGONOFF. The kosher version of course has a Glat kosher boneless chuck roll cut in pieces and there’s no dairy sauce whatsoever obviously.
The chuck roll beef is a great source of animal protein in someone’s diet, and besides it whoever wants to keep the weight and health it’s an excellent red meat, since when taken the fat out, it’s slim and has great value of proteins, vitamins and minerals and helps to prevent anemia, since it’s a good source of iron.
1,1 lb of boneless chuck beef cut in small cubits
2 Table spoon of vegetable oil
1 (optional – I don’t like onion, and use pressed garlic) big chopped onion
1 tea spoon of sal (optional)
1 Tbs. of ketchup
1 Tbs of vinegar
1 Tbs of sugar (optional to put)
1 Tbs of tomato sauce (I put much more…And you can use real fresh pressed tomatoes)
½ Nutmeg
Syrian pepper and cinnamon as you may desire
0,66 lb of cooked mushrooms
1 Tbs of flour
2 Tbs of mayonnaise or 1/3 cup coconut milk or soy milk (parve)
Cook the meat in the oil until dried, add the seasonings; cover with water and cook (preferably in a steaming pan) for 20 minutes until soft.
Mix the flour with ½ cup of water; add to the pan with the mushrooms and cook for more 5 minutes.
When serving, mix the mayonnaise or coconut milk or soy milk[w1] .
Ps: You could alternate using chicken ( cut in small pieces) also!
[w1]This recipe is my English version from the Brazilian Portuguese Kosher recipe of Sheila Sasson from the recipe book : Kasher com prazer.
The soy milk is also what I mostly use in America, as the coconut milk might be slightly more difficult to find in Brooklyn stores.
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