First of all I'd like to detail a tidbit history of the Shofar which is a ram's horn that has been used as a sounded instrument from ancient Yisrael.
The Torah was given to Yisrael with the blasting sound of the shofar ( Shemot/Exodus 19:19); and Yisrael conquered the Battle of Yericho ( Jerico) with the blast of the shofar (Joshua 6:20); the shofar was blown as a sign to all Yisrael as an assembly during wars ( softim/judges 3:27; Shmuel 20:1); the shofar was also used during the coronation of kings (1 Kings 1:34, 39) and it was blown to announce the beginning of the Chaggim, the Jewish festivals (Numbers 10:10); and to celebrate the new moon on Rosh Chodesh (Psalm 81:1-3) and for a Teshuvah (Repentance - Isaiah 58:1;Ezekiel 33:1-20) and other appointed times such as distress, judgements, deliverance and so on.
Klal Yisrael will be advised on he coming of Mashiach through the blast of the Shofar (Zechariah 9:14,16) and the Shofar's blasts are a reminder that Hashem is on control of everything, as it causes awareness of his sovereignty.
The sound of the Shofar awake us to our spiritual reality and help us to be aware of our soul's need to reconnect to our Sovereign Creator who is the only one that can bring us deliverance from our distress.
Rosh HaShanah is also referred to as “Yom Teruah”, the Day of the Sounding of the Shofar, or the Day of the Awakening Blast.
Each sound is different. The various notes of the shofar that are blown are known as:
teki'ah--one long blast,
shevarim--three broken sounds, and
teru'ah‑nine--staccato notes.
The shofar blasts have the following sound patterns below:
teki'ah‑shevarim teru'ah‑tekiah;
The final sound, the tekiah is longer ( teki'ah gedolah, which means a "great blast") and it reminds us about the verse from Isaiah which says: "And on that day a great ram's horn shall be sounded" (27:13)
Therefore, I'd like to wish each one of my friends, family, Am Yisrael and all good natured human being a true meaningful and happy 5770 with lots of joyful occasions, shalom and health !
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