As the Jewish people have been experiencing the exile for centuries...There have been Jewish immigration all around the globe and especially to the New world, in other words to the Americas - North and South America respectively.
We all know that Am Israel have a natural connection with Eretz Israel, the land of Israel.
But,few people may be aware of some connection between The Jewish community of New York and the Jewish community in a northern state of Brazil...
So, even though the above youtube video is not one of the best produced by some students - their english is far from good - yet, it quite shows the mikva and structure of the old synagogue in the New world.
Yet, the first synagogue of the new world was actually built in the city of Recife, Pernambuco in Brazil approximately in 1636- and some of its members were the ones that founded the first shul in New York, USA which is the Shearith Israel located on Central park west 70 th st.
Nowdays, both communities carry their own identities...yet, the connection of the Jewish people surpass the bondaries of nationalities and countries.
The Jewish community of Brazil still faces challenges like any other, yet its Ahavat Israel and friendship is an example to be followed.
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